Zanimljiva vjest kruži ovih dana internetom. Po svemu sudeći poznati mladi engleski penjač Richard Simpson, koji je prošle godine stisa Action directe, a prije toga i niz drugih vrhunskih smjerova i bouldera, je prestao penjat. Nije riječ o ozljedi nego, kako sam kaže, nedostatku motivacije, a usput se počea bavit trčanjem i boksom...
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"It would be right to say I have climbed very little in the last four or so months, My passion for climbing has not been the same since I climbed Action Directe in October 2005. Nevertheless, I pushed on, which accumulated in a first ascent of El Muerte at Easter time this year. Since this point, I have climbed very little.
Unfortunately for me I have lost all motivation to climb. I now thoroughly enjoy boxing and running and have significant goals in both. Alongside, I have also returned to education, with the hope of pursuing my chosen career outside of climbing. Consequently, I have neither the time, nor the motivation to climb. Although it would be right to say I have occasionally been seen checking out the new climbing wall and pottering around with my girlfriend/friends who still climb."
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